Purveyors of Goodness & Grace

for simple, artful living

At O’Shaughnessy’s, we believe that artful living is the key to happiness

What is artful living? It’s a way of being that cultivates an atmosphere of gratitude and presence. Intentional mindfulness that brings joy and further fosters the development of sensibilities and attunement in accord with ones surroundings. This practice leads to a feeling of becoming one within the space and time of each moment, thereby cultivating an environment of calm and ease. Simply put, it’s a connective flow to the spirit and source of life’s current. Harmony.


  • Lifestyle

    Thoughtfully curated necessities for joyfully simple living.

  • Provisions

    Our collection of naturally handcrafted products for the home.

  • Objet d'art

    Artful objects to add pleasure to your visual landscape.

  • Experiences

    Special events, creative workshops, intimate gatherings.